Which laser is best to quickly and effectively reduce unwanted hair? It depends on the client, which is why at VIDA we offer both the Sciton Profile 1064nm laser and broadband light (BBL) devices. This means that no matter your skin tone, you can enjoy smoother skin in just a few sessions. However, do keep in mind that only dark hairs are effectively treated with any laser device.
Laser hair reduction is not total hair removal. However, getting matched with the right laser can reduce hair so drastically that many clients can skip shaving for days, or even months. On average, you need 4 – 6 initial sessions spaced one month apart to achieve the best results. That means that if you start right now, you’ll be able to enjoy peak benefits just in time for swimsuit season. Plus, the winter months are ideal for any kind of laser treatment. Days are shorter, you are getting less UV exposure, and your skin can better heal in between sessions.
Why Get Reduction Instead of Removal?
There is a method to permanently get rid of hair: electrolysis. However, there is a reason few people offer this treatment anymore. It is very painful, takes a long time (often years for total removal of even small areas), is expensive, and there’s not even a guarantee that the “zap” you feel is effective. Understandably, electrolysis takes a conservative approach because the electric shocks are so painful. This means that you might get a hair zapped without effectively disabling the follicle. You may have to treat that hair numerous times, at increasing strengths and levels of pain, to get rid of it for good.
Laser hair reduction is fast, much more comfortable, and much more affordable. Larger areas of skin can be treated at once. Many clients report the sensation as similar to a rubber band snapping across the skin. Numbing agents are available for sensitive skin (and sensitive areas), but many clients go without such an aid. Session length depends on the area(s) being treated, but most are well under one hour. This makes laser hair reduction easy to fit into any schedule and it’s a popular lunchtime treatment.
Who is a Good Candidate for Laser Hair Reduction?
If you have dark hairs that you typically shave, pluck, or wax, you’re probably eligible for laser hair reduction. However, do keep in mind that you cannot wax or pluck hairs before or during laser hair reduction sessions. Hairs need to be long enough to pluck (on average) for lasers to be effective.
You will start to see results somewhere between immediately after treatment and one month after the first treatment. Remember that hair grows in cycles—this is why it takes multiple sessions to yield results. Everyone’s hair grows a little differently, but we will work with you to determine where you are in your growth cycle and give you an estimate of how many sessions you will need for your best results during your consultation.
Laser Hair Reduction for Everywhere
The lasers we offer for hair reduction are suitable to be used anywhere on the face and body. Thanks to different modalities, there is no risk of hypopigmentation (unwanted skin lightening), which is not the case with all lasers. We still have appointments available during the holidays so you can get a head start on your New Year’s resolution. Make 2023 the year you get baby-smooth skin and save time and money on hair removal. The average person spends over one full month of their life shaving, waxing, plucking, sugaring, and more. Give yourself the best gift of all: the gift of time.
To find out more about laser hair reduction and discover which laser is right for you, schedule a consultation with VIDA today. Our team of experts is ready to help you love the skin you’re in. Call us during business hours or, for an even faster reply, fill out the online contact form right now.