Do you have a gummy smile? Wish your upper lip was a little fuller? Lip fillers can help, but some clients don’t want to go that route—and that’s where a lip flip can help. Available at VIDA and applied by expert injectors (who are exclusively MDs and RNs), the lip flip uses Botox to hide a gummy smile and create the appearance of a fuller lip. However, you want to be careful with a lip flip. While all Botox injections require precise technique that marries art with science, the lip flip is especially delicate. One wrong move and you’ll end up with a frozen smile or otherwise subpar results.

Botox is a neuromodulator that works by freezing muscles on a short-term basis. This is why it works so well with wrinkles. If your muscles can’t create lines, they won’t. With a lip flip, the same idea can be used to relax the lips. Very small amounts of Botox are injected along the upper lip line. This causes the upper lip to “flip” out, thus hiding gums and making it look like the upper lip is fuller.

What to Know About Lip Flips

The upper lip doesn’t actually get more voluminous with a lip flip—you will need lip fillers for that. You should also keep in mind that a lip flip doesn’t last as long as Botox in other parts of the face. This is due both to the hyper-mobility of the area as well as the much smaller amounts of Botox used for this procedure. On average, a lip flip lasts three months while Botox in other areas can last up to six. This makes it a great option to try out, and in some cases clients decide they love the look so much they go on to lip fillers. If you’re new to lip fillers and uncertain about treatment, a lip flip can be an excellent way to dip your toes in the water.

Lip flip results are quick but not immediate. Just like any other kind of Botox injection, it’s going to take a few days to see results. Still, if you’re looking to improve your smile in time for the holiday parties, a lip flip will fit in your schedule. Keep in mind that swelling can occur with lip fillers, so both Botox and fillers offer results that are fast but demand a few days to take full effect.

Lip Fillers or Lip Flips: Which is for You?

Lip flips can only be applied to the upper lip. If you want more volume on the lower lip, too, that’s going to require a dermal filler. Otherwise, if you are strictly concerned about the upper lip, choosing between a lip flip and lip filler depends on you. What is your primary goal? Both a lip flip and lip fillers can help to hide a gummy smile, but the best option is going to depend on severity and current anatomy. A consultation with one of our injectors can help determine the right pick.

How long you want results to last may also play a role. Remember that lip flips last 3 months while lip fillers can last much longer. Both are injectables, so both are considered a minimally invasive procedure. Cost between the two will also vary (based on the comparative type of dermal filler and how many syringes are needed).

Getting a Smile You Love This Year

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul—but don’t overlook the lips. Your smile says a lot about you. Make sure it’s sending the right message.

With options for how you can improve your lips and smile, there’s no reason to stick with anything less than what you love. Let’s talk about your goals and map out a strategy that works for you. This holiday season, let your smile shine with lips that are full, healthy, and natural-looking. Connect with VIDA today to schedule your consultation or appointment for a lip flip. Call our office during business hours or, for the quickest reply, complete the online contact form.