Thanks to minimally invasive procedures like dermal fillers, clients who want to enhance their lips while avoiding surgery now have more alternatives than ever. VIDA Aesthetic Medicine is committed to providing clients with options when it comes to enhancing their natural beauty, and using dermal fillers on the lips has always been one of the most-requested treatments. Let’s explore the difference in “getting lips done” and find out why dermal fillers are the safest choice.

There are various minimally invasive approaches to perfecting your smile. For example, a neuromodular injection such as Botox can be placed in the muscle above the top lip to slightly relax it and minimize a gummy smile. Clients who like their lip shape but struggle with showing too much gum might only require this treatment, which lasts for six months on average. This is sometimes known as a “lip flip” (not a lip lift) and is a popular alternative to surgery.

A lip lift is a surgery that actually decreases the distance between the bottom of the nose and the upper lip. Like any surgery, it comes with risks, high costs, and it’s permanent.

Combining the Lip Flip with Dermal Fillers

Lip flip injections are fast, straightforward, and there’s no downtime. The injection temporarily minimizes repetitive muscle movements that lead to wrinkles around the mouth, too (but does not stop you from smiling). It takes about 5 – 10 minutes for lip flip injections, and if you’ve had Botox in more common areas before (such as between the brows) it feels similar. The result is a subtle pout achieved by slightly “flipping” the lip line out without the need for surgery. This makes the lips appear fuller and poutier.

Many clients choose to pair the lip flip with dermal filler lip injections. There are various types of dermal fillers available, lasting anywhere from six months to two years depending on the type and amount of product used. Some minor bruising and swelling may last for up to one week, but there is virtually no downtime and most clients feel comfortable getting back to their daily tasks immediately after their dermal filler injections.

Discover which treatment(s) is right for you with a complimentary consultation. Call VIDA today at (503) 399-0021.