Broadband light (BBL) light therapy is the second generation of intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy treatments, and both are available at VIDA. You might be able to infer from the names alone what some of the differences are—and one of the first questions we are often asked is which one is “better.” However, there is no best answer for all clients, which is why we at VIDA offer both. Simply put, some people respond better to BBL while others do better with IPL. Understanding which is best for you begins with a consultation, but discovering what makes these two technologies different is a great first step, too.

Both BBL and IPL work by harnessing light energy that is directed into the skin. This energy is converted into heat when it reaches its “target” (such as an unwanted mole, brown spot, or blood vessel, for example). The goal of both treatments is to improve the skin while removing imperfections. Fantastic results have been achieved with both, and both IPL and BBL require virtually no downtime.

The Working Model of IPL and BBL

When the heat meets its target, it is initially absorbed. In the days and weeks following the treatment, the target is removed from the skin—but something else is happening, too. Collagen and elastin begin to be synthesized at the treatment site, which improves skin quality and tone from the inside out. Collagen is the natural fountain of youth, but we make less of it as we get older. Fortunately, treatments like BBL and IPL allow us to “tell” the body to create more (and where).

The main difference between IPL and BBL is the wavelengths used. They each use different ones to treat the skin. Even though both technologies have the same concept, pulsing light into the skin for photorejuvenation, that wavelength difference is key. IPL is mostly used to treat sun spots, scarring, enlarged pores, rosacea, and dilated blood vessels. The light wavelength used in IPL is great at targeting unwanted melanin and hemoglobin, gently heating the deep layers of skin tissue (which helps with fine lines and scars).

BBL is more advanced, making it more accurate for targeting specific skin conditions. It can treat sagging skin, acne, birth marks, hyperpigmentation, poor tone and texture, rosacea, broken capillaries, and even bruising. In fact, BBL is often paired with more aggressive treatments that can cause bruising to help with a quicker healing. BBL goes after the source, delving deeper into the skin while also forcing that collagen and elastin production.

The BBL Difference

A lot of people are migrating to BBL, and it’s no wonder: studies have shown that BBL treatments can actually pause the aging clock. DNA damage in our cells occurs more as we age, so skin cells with older DNA just don’t replenish as quickly as they used to. This makes skin age quicker and look duller. However, BBL treatments have been proven to rejuvenate the actual genetic code of skin cells. This means your skin looks younger after BBL treatments because it actually is! Of course, the clock won’t be on pause forever, but slowing down the aging process is a fantastic means of pre-juvenation that also actively treats current skin conditions.

Figuring out whether IPL or BBL is best for you is pretty simple. We can discuss your skin goals and the current state of your skin during a consultation. Dr. Glen, VIDA’s medical director, trains all staff members to the highest standards so you can rest easy knowing that whatever treatment you choose, you’re going to be in great hands. BBL and IPL typically require multiple treatments spaced a few weeks apart for optimal results. Then, maintenance sessions every 6 – 12 months are ideal for sustaining the results that you’re going to love.

The best part of an IPL or BBL treatment is that you can tackle numerous skin issues all at once. You can also mix and match BBL and IPL if you’re struggling with a variety of issues, and this is also a great way to test out which technology you prefer. If you’re ready to not only undo signs of aging, but actually pause the aging process, schedule your consultation today. Call VIDA or complete the online contact form now.