For many years the only option for contouring the body was liposuction—a surgery that comes with all the risk and downtime of surgery. VIDA offers a variety of non-invasive and minimally-invasive body contouring technologies so you can sculpt your body safely with no downtime. Here, we are led by Medical Director Dr. Kim Thompson and all estheticians are CAE. Much more than a medical day spa, we are dedicated to making sure you have access to the latest technologies and treatments for all of your skin care goals, including body sculpting.


CoolSculpting is the original non-invasive body contouring technology. It works by freezing away small amounts of unwanted fat in a series of sessions. Most people require 4 – 6 sessions per treatment site for optimal results, with each appointment spaced one month apart. CoolSculpting results are not immediate because it takes the body time to process those “frozen” fat cells, absorbing and expelling them from the body. CoolSculpting can be used just about anywhere on the body (and face) that you typically want to lose fat.

However, it is important to bear in mind that CoolSculpting is not a “weight loss” treatment. You may drop a small amount of weight after CoolSculpting, but this is a body contouring treatment. It is best for those who are at or near their goal weight, but struggle with pockets of fat that won’t budge with diet and exercise alone. Still, the cells that are “killed” with CoolSculpting are gone for good. Fat cells do not “grow back” when they are removed, either via CoolSculpting or liposuction, but CoolSculpting should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Otherwise, nearby fat cells can certainly expand into the treated area.


CoolMini is CoolSculpting specifically for the chin area. When CoolSculpting was first available many years ago, it was not able to treat smaller areas for a myriad of reasons—including the fact that the handheld devices were simply created for larger areas like the stomach and back. However, CoolSculpting technology has advanced over the years and today there are options to treat tiny areas that can still cling to fat.

Anyone who struggles with a double chin knows that you don’t necessarily have to be overweight. In many cases, the submental area being fatty is a genetic predisposition. There are plenty of slender, fit people who benefit from body contouring in this area. CoolMini is a completely non-invasive means of tackling this area, but there are also other options.


Kybella is a series of injections and is comprised of a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid. Similar to CoolMini, results are not immediate and most people need 4 – 6 sessions. However, Kybella works by dissolving unwanted fat that causes the double chin. It is a bit more aggressive than CoolMini and is considered minimally invasive since needles are required for the injection. The injections are administered with a stamp-like device that allows several injections to take place at once. This makes the process quicker and easier on the client.

When these fat cells are dissolved, they are also permanently gone. Kybella requires a conservative approach because you don’t want to dissolve too much fat below the chin. Sessions are scheduled about one month apart, but you will start to see significant results before your second appointment. Still, keep in mind that a “weak chin” or double chin can be a combination of excess fat and loose skin.


Ultherapy is called the non-invasive facelift alternative because it is especially powerful at tightening skin on the neck and lower half of the face. It can also be used in some other areas, but is designed to treat smaller areas overall. Results last for up to one year and you will see full results just a few weeks after your treatment. It is completely non-invasive and since it uses ultrasound technology, your provider can see exactly which areas of tissue are being treating.

Learn more about body contouring and sculpting options at VIDA by scheduling your complimentary consultation today. Call the VIDA office during business hours or fill out the online contact form right now to get started.