The myth persists that acne is a teenaged affliction, nearly a rite of passage, and that somehow it will miraculously disappear after high school. This, of course, isn’t the case and that’s why VIDA offers a suite of options to treat active acne, prevent it, and erase the lingering signs of acne scars. In reality 40 – 55 percent of adults between the ages of 20 – 40 have been diagnosed with some type of persistent acne. This figure is likely much higher since many people don’t see their dermatologist for acne. The Journal of American Academy of Dermatology estimates that 54 percent of all women over the age of 25 have some type of acne.

Teens are especially prone to acne because of hormone fluctuations. Hormones are one of the most common causes and exacerbators of acne. However, hormone changes aren’t exclusive to teens. Women experiencing pregnancy, peri-menopause, and menopause are also undergoing hormonal shifts and that’s why acne can be particularly troublesome during this period. Ultimately, age alone will never dictate whether you’ll have acne. Only proper acne treatment can do that.

How to Tackle Acne

Over the counter treatments rarely work, and when they do it’s usually short-term and for very mild acne. Two key treatments for acne include broadband light (BBL) therapy and/or a light chemical peel. BBL uses light energy to address hyperpigmentation (both brown and red) associated with acne. Chemical peels remove the top layer of the skin’s surface, including those stubborn signs of acne such as light scarring. A medium chemical peel penetrates deeper and can help erase more serious signs of acne. Every chemical peel at VIDA is personalized just for you.

Microneedling harnesses the power of your own body by creating numerous little injuries in the skin’s surface. This tells the body to produce more collagen and to begin healing in specific sites. You can also combine any of these treatments with microdermabrasion to enhance the results, or dermaplaning to remove the peach fuzz that makes debris and oil get caught on the skin’s surface.

Help for acne is available no matter your age. Schedule your complimentary consultation with VIDA today by calling (503) 399-0021.