Sagging, excess skin can be caused by a number of factors including age, sun damage, and weight fluctuations. VIDA Aesthetic Medicine offers Ultherapy, a revolutionary non-invasive treatment to tighten and tone skin. It requires no downtime and unlike surgical options like a tummy tuck it leaves no scar. Ultherapy is founded using the same technology as ultrasound imaging and radiology. The Ultherapy tech uses sound energy to safely penetrate the skin and muscles of the treatment area. Full customization is available and makes it possible for your VIDA professional to choose superficial, medium, or deep penetration during your treatment.

Ultherapy works because it makes the muscles contract, which causes a firming and smoothing effect on the skin. This treatment is extremely popular because it’s so fast, easy, and comfortable. It is approved by the FDA as a non-surgical lifting technique and has been for over a decade. Ultherapy is also a fantastic complement to CoolSculpting, the non-invasive body contouring treatment that freezes away fat.

What to Expect with Ultherapy

Most appointments take around 45 – 60 minutes. An ultrasound gel is applied to the treatment site (similar to the gel applied to bellies during pregnancy ultrasounds), then three passes are made over the area with the Ultherapy handheld device. A specific pattern is followed in order to maximize the results. The sensation of Ultherapy is described differently person to person, with some clients reporting virtually nothing. Those who are more sensitive may request a numbing agent prior to the treatment.

It is common to feel soreness or numbness in the first few days after an Ultherapy session, but that sensation subsides. Only one Ultherapy treatment is needed per site, and results last one year on average. Some patients see results immediately, but for others it takes a few weeks. Ultherapy also tells the body to create more collagen at the treatment site, and collagen production takes up to three months on average to “show.” Learn more about Ultherapy and its benefits by calling VIDA today at (503) 399-0021.