Two of the most popular aesthetic services are often confused with one another, but microdermabrasion and dermaplaning are two very different treatments. At VIDA, we are committed to ensuring clients have access to all of the best and safest treatments to achieve their skin goals. If you’re looking to revitalize the face, turn back the clock, and address a myriad of skin concerns, one or both of these treatments might be for you. Both provide some level of exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and debris, but beyond that they are designed for different outcomes.

Dermaplaning requires a specialized scalpel to expertly remove peach fuzz and dead skin cells from the superficial skin layer. Microdermabrasion does not remove peach fuzz, but is more of a “true” exfoliant and a great choice for removing debris and reducing the appearance of pores (dermaplaning does not target pores at all). Let’s take a deeper dive into the benefits of each.

Microdermabrasion Matters

This treatment is known for removing the stratum corneum—the skin’s top layer. After cleansing the skin, your provider passes a handheld device over the skin to spread microcrystals over the skin. Next, as the device makes additional passes (typically three), the crystals get to work scrubbing away the top layer. It is a bit like a small sandblaster for the skin. Finally, the vacuum component of the device removes both the crystals and skin cells as they are sloughed away. Given the nature of the treatment, it is common for skin to look flushed afterwards, but this quickly dissipates. Neither microdermabrasion nor dermaplaning requires downtime.

There are various types of microdermabrasion devices, and most have crystals. If you have an aluminum allergy, it is critical to ask your provider what type of microdermabrasion technology they use (common crystals are made with aluminum oxide). Most clients need about four weekly sessions for optimal results. You can use this treatment to address acne (though open wounds should be healed), to lighten scarring, undo wrinkles and sun damage, correct skin tone, and even help with melasma. Many clients use it as a precursor to treatments like a facial because exfoliation can help topicals reach deeper into the skin.

Dermaplaning Do’s

Dermaplaning is not dermabrasion, but rather a blade very similar to a razor. The goal is light exfoliation, fuzz removal, and ultimately better skin tone and texture. Like microdermabrasion, it can also be helpful before any treatment that applies topicals (as peach fuzz can interfere with the skin’s ability to soak up serums). During your appointment, skin is cleansed before the device is passed over the skin. Dermaplaning is usually used on the face, but might also be helpful in other areas.

Depending on the treatment area, Dermaplaning can take from a few minutes up to one hour. Afterward, topicals are applied, including a medical-grade sunscreen to help ward off sun damage. Dermaplaning can help with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, but is not the best tool for undoing scars. Just like microdermabrasion, Dermaplaning isn’t permanent. Most clients opt for monthly treatments to maintain the look and feel of baby smooth skin.

Who Gets What?

Both treatments are relatively safe and effective. However, those with hirsutism or cystic acne might want to avoid Dermaplaning. If you have keloids, spider veins, or rosacea, microdermabrasion may make things worse. All cosmetic treatments should be put on hold if you have an active skin infection, including cold sores. Otherwise, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to improve the look and feel of your skin, you might want to get both! Dermaplaning before microdermabrasion is a common approach to take.

We also have a number of other treatments that pair well with these treatments, such as an in-office facial, Botox, and fillers. Mixing and matching treatments is the best way to take all results to the next level. Create a customized treatment plan just for you by scheduling a consultation today with one of our expert providers. Contact VIDA medical day spa by calling the office during business hours or complete the online contact form for the fastest response.