Beauty guru Michelle Rostamian recently shared her DiamondGlow experience with TZR. Just like many clients at VIDA, she was a quick convert to the 3-in-1 luxury facial that uses genuine crushed diamond tips for the ultimate in exfoliation and extraction. Even though Rostamian says she doesn’t particularly have problematic skin, there’s always some minor issue happening that includes redness, dryness or dullness, and enlarged pores. Overall, her approach to skin care is minimal (thanks to medical-grade skin care regimens at home), but she admits she could use some “enhancement” and DiamondGlow seemed the perfect treatment.

Many other luxury facials, such as HydraFacial, use a chemical exfoliation to get clients a gorgeous glow. However, DiamondGlow depends solely on diamonds for a physical exfoliation. Considered a form of hydra-dermabrasion, this treatment is performed on wet skin, unlike microdermabrasion which occurs on dry skin. It’s very skin-friendly since there are zero chemicals needed for a DiamondGlow, which means no big prep or shifts to your skin care routine before treatment. This often means you can keep using retinol products, which isn’t the case with many other treatments.

DiamondGlow Customized for You

There are a variety of diamond tips your provider can use to create an individualized DiamondGlow experience. The final step in a DiamondGlow facial, the infusion of medical-grade skin care products into the skin, exclusively uses SkinMedica products—one of the top-rated lines. One of the most popular DiamondGlow additions is SkinMedica’s HA5, a hyaluronic acid product that provides intense hydration to amp up the glow even more. Their brightening serum is also popular, as is the clarifying serum for those prone to breakouts. The TNS Advanced+ is a favorite for lightening wrinkles. However, the exact SkinMedica products used will be hand-selected for each client by the provider before the treatment.

Every DiamondGlow facial starts with a cleanse. This is when your provider will also assess your skin’s needs, including the diamond grit to be used and skin care infusion. Rostamian was struggling with redness and dullness at the time of her treatment, so the vitamin C serum was selected. During the actual treatment, the diamond-tipped “pen” dots in sections in order to deposit the serum onto the skin. Next, the pen is stroked along the skin to press the serum into the pores. The neck is also treated in order to open the lymphatic system and cleanse skin from the inside out. Although the sensation isn’t “soothing,” it’s also not painful or uncomfortable. A smoother and gentler tip is used for the area around the lips and eyes. Finally, a DiamondGlow ends with eye cream, lip balm, and the application of sunscreen. These appointments take no more than 30 minutes, making them easy to squeeze into lunch breaks.

Taking Care of Your Glow

DiamondGlow requires no downtime, yet another of its perks. A little pinkness may occur right after your treatment, but it quickly goes away. It’s important to stay out of the sun as best you can for 24 hours and avoid any exfoliation for one week—these best practices are easy to follow and worth it. According to Rostamian, “When the aesthetician handed me a mirror after my treatment, I was shocked at what was looking back at me.” She says the redness she came in with was gone and her skin was “definitely more glowing, hydrated, and radiant.” She says her skin felt soft and moisturized, not tight or uncomfortable.

A lot of people get DiamondGlow facials every month, but how often you will need treatment depends on various factors. Those using DiamondGlow to tackle acne or very oily skin may initially benefit from a facial every two weeks for up to six treatments. Otherwise, every four weeks is a solid plan for most. DiamondGlow can be used on men and women of any skin tone and type. Anyone who wants skin that is balanced, refreshed, and hydrated will benefit from this treatment. Rostamian says, “I definitely recommend getting a DiamondGlow facial for those looking to deep clean their pores. It’s a quick, efficient, non-intrusive treatment that’s customizable and delivers radiant results.” To schedule your DiamondGlow treatment, contact VIDA today by calling the office or filling out the online contact form.