Summer will be here before you know it, and with it comes tank tops, midriffs, swimsuits, and shorts. At VIDA, we are committed to providing you with the safest, most effective means of achieving your aesthetic goals, and that includes body contouring. Led by Medical Director Dr. Glen who personally trains every member of the staff, here you can rest assured that we are much more than a “MediSpa.” We are a team of leading experts with the tools and knowledge you deserve when considering any non-surgical treatment.

CoolSculpting is the gold standard in body sculpting and has been a popular treatment for decades. The science behind CoolSculpting was accidentally discovered in the 1970s when researchers wanted to figure out why kids who ate a lot of cold treats had less fat in their face than their peers. Fat, when externally exposed to precise low temperatures, is actually capable of “dying.” CoolSculpting works by targeting unwanted fat and exposing it to this temperature for the exact amount of time necessary. However, do not try this at home—as some social media “influencers” have done.

Why CoolSculpting Only Works In-Office

Unfortunately, social media has once again led to dangerous trends in an attempt to garner likes and shares. You may have heard about TikTok videos where users are trying DIY CoolSculpting with ice cubes and the like. There are a number of problems with this. First, it will likely simply be an ineffective and uncomfortable waste of time. Second, there is a very real risk of actually freezing the skin, which can lead to serious problems like frostbite and even “skin death.”

Although CoolSculpting has roots in an accidental discovery involving Popsicles, there’s a lot more to the technology than freezing temps equals less fat. CoolSculpting features a variety of “handles” that your provider can use to customize your treatment. This means that you can safely use CoolSculpting just about anywhere you struggle with unwanted fat, including popular large sites like the stomach and thighs, but also small and stubborn areas like the double chin. In fact, CoolSculpting for below-the-chin area (submental fat) and jawline has been making various lists for the best ways to treat stubborn fat.

What CoolSculpting is Not

CoolSculpting is a contouring treatment, not a weight loss procedure. The best candidates for this treatment are those who are already at (or close to) their ideal body weight, but who struggle with areas that just won’t budge with a healthy diet and exercise. Some clients might lose a pound or two at the end of the initial series of sessions, but others do not. Body sculpting is not about “weight loss,” per se, but rather about removing small amounts of fat in order to achieve an improved aesthetic (and a big boost of self-esteem).

CoolSculpting is not a surgery, which means there are no needles and no downtime. However, in order to target the treatment site, the area is “sucked” into a vacuum-like device. This can feel strange the first time, but it is not painful or uncomfortable. Most clients scroll through their phone, watch a show, or even work while undergoing their 30-minute CoolSculpting session. There may be some redness or light bruising depending on the treatment site and your body post-CoolSculpting, but this dissipates quickly. However, when treating highly visible sites like the area below the chin, you may want to schedule your CoolSculpting at least one week prior to any big event.

Getting Ready for CoolSculpting

Since CoolSculpting is not liposuction, the results are not immediate. Instead, the body takes time to metabolize those frozen fat cells and naturally, safely expel them. Most people require 4 – 6 CoolSculpting sessions for the best results, and they must be spaced about one month apart. You will start to see some results about one month after your first session. Given this timetable, if you start CoolSculpting this month, you’ll be able to show off your full results by the end of summer (if not sooner!).

Are you a good candidate for CoolSculpting? Find out by scheduling a complimentary consultation with VIDA. Simply call the office or, for the fastest response, complete the online form right now.