There are many types of chemical peels, and VIDA offers both superficial and medium-depth peels. The TCA Peel and Jessner Peel are two of the most effective peels to treat virtually every skin concern including fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, skin laxity, scarring (including acne scarring), and general poor skin texture. Chemical peels can help you look years younger, healthier, and infuse an incredible glow to the skin. The two types of peels offered at VIDA are suitable for all skin tones and types.

Medium-depth peels should be performed no more than twice per year. Superficial peels may be recommended once per month to establish a beautiful foundation, then scheduled maintenance sessions moving forward. The type and depth of peel best for you will depend on your skin and goals.

Peel Differences: TCA vs Jessner’s

The TCA peel uses trichloroacetic acid, and it’s one of the most-requested of all medium-depth peels. The chemical itself is non-toxic and has been used in peels for 20+ years. It works by making the top layers of the skin dry up and slough away within 10 days of the peel application. It is very good at minimizing wrinkles and pigmentation, as well as smoothing skin that has a crepe-like or etched appearance from sun damage. You can pair TCA peels with other treatments like dermal fillers, Botox, and of course medical-grade skin care for even better results.

Jessner’s Peel is very effective at treating hyperpigmentation. It is often followed with a retinoic acid application, which aids the peel in penetrating even deeper. The acid in this peel breaks up keratinocytes in the skin, stimulating collagen production at the same time. You can also pair the Jessner Peel with a variety of other complementary treatments.

Medium-depth peels require about one week of down time. This is simply due to the look of peeling and the need to avoid UV exposure. However, some patients do feel comfortable in public (with plenty of sunscreen) during that first week. Although superficial peels require no downtime, they do require proper UV protection.

Finding the right chemical peel for you starts with a complimentary consultation. Start your journey by calling VIDA today at (503) 399-0021.