You’ve probably heard of microneedling, and maybe you’ve even tried it in the past. However, there are many microneedling devices on the market and they get better every year. VIDA Aesthetic Medicine only uses the latest, most effective, and safest medical-grade microneedling devices in order to deliver the best results for every client.

One of today’s premium microneedling devices only available to dermatologist and medical day spas includes the SkinPen. It’s FDA-cleared and especially effective at treating acne scars. In just three treatments, clients enjoy skin that is clearer, smoother, and younger-looking. But what makes medical-grade microneedling devices different—and why shouldn’t you microneedle at home?

The Medispa Difference for Microneedling

Microneedling works by creating thousands of tiny “micro injuries” in the skin with specially created needles. It encourages the body to produce more collagen and elastin to heal these injuries, and those are the secret, natural ingredients for younger-looking skin that’s clear and bright. As you can imagine, having a lot of tiny needles leaves plenty of room for interpretation. The quality, depth, and thickness of each of these needles can make a huge difference in safety and results.

Only medical-grade microneedling devices that are exclusively available to clinics and medical day spas promise the absolute best results. They require administration by a trained professional who undergoes continuing education on a routine basis. Both the quality of the microneedling devices itself and the expertise of the esthetician providing microneedling services are key factors in getting the best results.

Why Microneedling is So Popular

Microneedling has been a favorite aesthetic treatment for decades because it’s minimally invasive, there’s no downtime, and it uses the body’s natural healing powers to generate results. However, microneedling devices today are dramatically better than those a few years ago—or even a few months ago. Newer, better devices are constantly being made available so if it’s been a while since you last had microneedling, you probably haven’t received the latest treatment.

Ready to learn more about microneedling and other aesthetic treatments? Call VIDA today at (503) 399-0021.