You don’t have to be overweight to struggle with submental fullness—oftentimes it’s inherited. VIDA Aesthetic Medicine is more than a medical day spa, offering a wide range of treatments to help you achieve confidence by looking and feeling your best. That includes getting rid of that double chin for good. Kybella is the latest procedure aimed at vanquishing double chins. It’s a minimally invasive procedure that requires no surgery and no downtime. Instead, it relies on deoxycholic acid to dissolve unwanted fat.

Kybella is an injectable, similar to Botox. However, unlike Botox which usually requires just a few injections per treatment, it’s not unusual for Kybella to require 20+ injections per treatment. The exact number of injections and sessions will depend on the client, the amount of fat, and how the client responds to Kybella. Deoxycholic acid already occurs naturally in the body, but not in the concentrated doses Kybella achieves. This acid destroys adipose tissue, and this fat is then expelled by the body naturally in the days and weeks following the treatment.

A Permanent Double Chin Solution – Meet Kybella

Once adipocytes are destroyed or removed, either with Kybella or liposuction, they don’t come back. Once the ideal aesthetic is achieved with Kybella, clients will not need any future treatments. One of the biggest benefits of Kybella is that there’s virtually no recovery period after the injections. The majority of patients immediately return to their daily activities, although icing the area can be very helpful to minimize the risk of bruising or swelling.

Most clients need 3 – 6 Kybella sessions to achieve their goals. These appointments are generally scheduled 4 – 6 weeks apart to allow your injector to gauge exactly how much fat was dissolved by the previous treatment. This is very different from liposuction, which removes all the unwanted fat in one surgery. However, there are substantial fees associated with liposuction (such as general anesthesia and an operating room) as well as the inherent risk and recovery period of it being a surgery. Liposuction patients usually require a few days off from work and bandaging following their surgery—that isn’t the case with Kybella.

Cost is a factor considered by those choosing between Kybella and surgery, but what’s even more important for most patients is their lifestyle and the severity of their double chin. Learn more about Kybella and other complementary procedures by calling the VIDA office at (503) 399-0021.