When it comes to in-office and at-home treatments, there’s a big difference—especially when you’re talking about microdermabrasion. Yes, technically you can get microdermabrasion at home since it refers to exfoliating and removing the very top layer of skin. But how you go about it can make a world of difference! At VIDA, we are a medical day spa that offers a variety of microdermabrasion treatments including DiamondGlow. When you get microdermabrasion done correctly, you’ll see results that are healthy, radiant, and longer-lasting than anything you can achieve at home.

Recently, two dermatologists spoke with Insider about the risks of social media-fueled DIY beauty treatments. One of the first red flags they point out is anything touting “overnight benefits.” You can get immediate benefits with in-office treatment like DiamondGlow, but it’s nearly impossible to achieve the same at home. And with skin care products, rather than treatments, this warning is even more true. “I am cautious when I see products that have immediate or overnight benefits,” says the expert. This is because skin care products take time to work—sometimes weeks or even months. This is true even of prescription retinol. If you pick up an OTC serum or at-home derma-roller, you might achieve some benefits, but certainly not in 24 hours.

What’s in a Product?

The experts also warn against using products with ingredients you’ve never heard of before. This can be challenging since studies have also shown that most people cannot correctly identify common, healthy ingredients that are often in in-office treatments (such as hyaluronic acid). Still, the experts say that TikTok can cause information overload and you’ll quickly notice conflicting advice. A good rule of thumb is to have clear goals of what you want to achieve with your skin. It’s not enough to want it looking “better.”

One of the doctors says, “I encourage patients to focus on active ingredients and whether the active ingredients align with their main skin concerns.” This being said, you should also be wary of high prices for products that aren’t medical-grade. Medical-grade products, such as those paired with DiamondGlow, are backed by science and have more of the active ingredients in higher concentrations. Only medical-grade products can legally have such high doses. It’s always best to go medical-grade, but for those on a budget there are plenty of no-frills, affordable pharmacy basics that can be helpful.

Keep Routines Simple

Remember the multi-step Korean skin care regimen? Most people don’t have the time, money, or patience for that. Simpler is usually better with skin care routines and treatments. Overloading the skin can actually make it worse, triggering acne, rosacea, and eczema flare-ups (to name just a few). A slow and steady approach is best, especially for more aggressive things like exfoliation, microdermabrasion, and retinoids.

This brings us to the issue of at-home treatments. It’s not unusual to find so-called microneedling, microdermabrasion, and chemical peel kits available online. If they are legitimate, they aren’t going to be as powerful or yield nearly as good of results as anything in-office. And if they are professional-grade? You can permanently damage your skin with a DIY approach. The experts stress that just because something is “natural,” like exfoliating the skin, “does not mean that it is safe or better than traditional skin care products.

Microdermabrasion You Can Trust

Microdermabrasion, no matter the tool or treatment, can be an effective part of an in-office routine. Depending on your skin type and goals, you may be able to get microdermabrasion about once per month. Whether you opt for DiamondGlow or another option, microdermabrasion can help remove debris, dead skin cells, and encourage cell turnover for skin that is tighter, brighter, and more beautiful in the long run. Find out more during a complimentary consultation where we can create a customized skin care routine just for you. Contact VIDA during business hours by calling the office or fill out the online contact form right now for the fastest response.