There are two things that can cause the appearance of a double chin, even in fit and slender people: a fat pocket and skin laxity. VIDA offers solutions for both causes, and you have a selection when it comes to getting rid of submental fat. Both Kybella and CoolMini can permanently remove the fat cells causing a double chin, but they do so in very different ways. To figure out which is the best method for you, a consultation with one of our estheticians is necessary.

CoolMini, a version of CoolSculpting designed for small areas like under the chin, is the better-known option. Just like CoolSculpting, it works by targeting unwanted fat cells and freezing them away. Also known as cryolipolysis, when fat cells are exposed to precise freezing temperatures, they are effectively killed without any surrounding tissue being damaged. CoolMini is completely non-invasive.

Kybella Kills Chin Fat

Kybella is a newer alternative to CoolMini and dissolves submental fat via a series of injections using synthetic deoxycholic acid. In its natural form, this acid can be found in the body as a fat-buster. However, with Kybella, it is injected directly into the cells that you need to dissolve via a stamp method (so you actually receive several injections with each “stamp”). The stamp device allows for a fast and easy treatment. Since Kybella is an injection, it is considered a minimally invasive procedure rather than non-invasive.

Neither CoolMini nor Kybella offer immediate results and both will take around 3 – 6 sessions spaced one month apart for optimal results. Full results of both can be seen 3 – 6 months after the final session. Neither treatment requires any downtime, but you might experience minor redness, swelling, and/or bruising with either treatment. If you have a special event coming up, try to schedule your appointments at least five days in advance.

Targeting Skin Laxity

Skin laxity can happen in tandem with pockets of unwanted fat, or it could be the sole cause of the appearance of a double chin. Also known as turkey neck, everyone will experience visible laxity in this area at some point in their lives (some sooner rather than later, especially if you have experienced a large weight loss). For years the only way to get rid of extra skin under the chin was with surgical approach, like a neck lift. Ultherapy has changed everything.

Ultherapy uses ultrasound technology to deliver radiofrequency (RF) energy directly to where you need it. It has been called the facelift alternative because of its dramatic results that requires no needles or downtime. Ultherapy was originally designed specifically for the neck and lower half of the face, but can also be used in many other areas. There is no downtime, but numbness and/or tingling, particularly along the jawline, can occur. This is temporary and will shortly subside.

What You Need to Know About Skin Tightening

Just like CoolMini and Kybella, Ultherapy results are not immediate—however, most clients just need one treatment for results that last up to two years. You will see full results after six months of your session because Ultherapy works by stimulating collagen production. Collagen is what naturally keeps skin taut, firm, and youthful, but we produce less as we get older. Ultherapy can correct that and you can get another session in two years.

If you are struggling with both excess fat and skin laxity, it’s important to work with a professional to put together a game plan. Whether you get Ultherapy first or get rid of that fat first is going to depend on unique factors that can be discussed during your consultation. You may also want to consider microneedling, a chemical peel, or laser skin rejuvenation not only for the neck but also for the chest and face. Mixing and matching treatments typically yields the best overall results. Plus, if you are looking to correct an aging neck, sun damage should also be removed (which peels and lasers can achieve).

Start your regimen now and your double chin will disappear by spring break. For more information, get in touch with the experts today. Call VIDA during business hours or, for the fastest response, complete the online contact form.