

Even if you take every precaution to protect your skin from sun damage starting today, that doesn’t undo the damage accumulated from years of unprotected (or poorly protected) sun exposure in your youth. When skin is unprotected, it leads to hyperpigmentation (brown spots), damage to the collagen (thinning of the skin), and even skin cancer. At VIDA Aesthetic Medicine, we offer several types of treatments that are fully personalized to your needs.

Treating Pigmentation

VIDA’s suite of treatments and technologies enables a 100% customized approach to address pigmentation on the skin as well as many other issues and concerns. Our medical director supervises treatments, so you have peace of mind knowing you’re receiving the best, safest, and most effective procedures that lead to incredible and lasting results. A complimentary consultation is the first step in achieving the results you want.

Chemical Peel Patient #1 Before/After Photo | VIDA Aesthetic Medicine

Chemical Peel Before/After Photo, Real Patient Results*

Have you ever noticed that the left side of your face has more wrinkles and sun damage? Years of driving with the left side of your face exposed to the sun’s UV radiation causes brown spots and loss of collagen. Broadband light (BBL), chemical peels, and microdermabrasion are all perfect treatments for sun spots that are sitting on the skin’s surface. Microneedling can help with sun spots below the skin’s surface, while also encouraging collagen production.

Two Common Conditions that Result in Pigmentation


Facial redness is a common symptom of rosacea, whether from genetics or sun damage.  BBL treatments can minimize facial redness by eliminating it at its source. Light therapies work by using intense pulses of light to target the fine blood vessels, which results in more evenly toned skin. BBL can also be used to treat the hands, which are often overlooked when applying sunscreen.

The skin on the hands, especially the back of the hands, is thinner, more delicate, and more prone to sun damage than many other areas of the body. Age and regular sun exposure can lead to hands with brown spots, thinning skin, and joints and veins that protrude with age due to lost collagen and volume. That’s why we offer BBL and dermal filler treatments for the hands along with a variety of other treatments for total hand rejuvenation.

Hands can be more prone to sun damage and give away your age.  Don’t forget to overlook this important area.


Melasma is a common skin condition that results in patchy brown, tan, or light spots on the face. Nobody knows the exact cause of melasma, but hormones, genetics, and ultraviolet (UV) light can all be contributing factors. Melasma can decrease your self-confidence and can even lead to depression.

No matter which skin products you use or how much makeup you apply, it’s very difficult to cover up the signs of melasma completely. However, treatments like chemical peels combined with ongoing skincare can help break up this extra pigment and remove it from the face to reveal evenly-toned youthful-looking skin.

We Answer The Most

Frequently Asked Questions

Is BBL or IPL better for treating hyperpigmentation?2020-02-08T15:29:32-08:00

Light therapy has been a gold standard in treating hyperpigmentation and other skin issues for over a decade. However, BBL is the latest and most advanced light therapy technology, setting new and improved standards. It offers minimal downtime and long-term results, especially when clients opt for maintenance Forever Young BBL treatments. BBL is kind of like advanced IPL, providing incredibly accurate parameters so that results are superior. Studies from Stanford University have shown that BBL makes the expression of skin cells actually behave like they’re younger, literally turning back the clock. In the vast majority of cases, BBL is a superior treatment to IPL when treating hyperpigmentation.

How does light remove hyperpigmentation?2020-02-08T15:26:43-08:00

BBL works by using light energy directed into the skin, turning it into heat when it gets absorbed by its target (pigment, in this case). Heat damages the targeted tissue while preserving the surrounding tissue and ultimately causes it to be eliminated by the body.

What areas of the body can be treated to remove pigmentation?2020-02-08T15:27:47-08:00

The most common areas of sun damage appear on thinner skin that is regularly exposed to UV rays. This includes the face, neck, cheek, and hands. All of these areas can be treated at VIDA and hyperpigmentation can be removed to restore a more youthful appearance.

What combination of treatments is for pigmentation?2020-02-08T15:28:38-08:00

Every person is different, and that means every approach to treat hyperpigmentation is different. It depends on the amount and severity of sun damage as well as your goals. However, a popular combination is BBL with microneedling, a light chemical peel, and a new or revised at-home skin care regimen that includes a high-quality sunscreen.

Make the Most of Your Pigmentation Treatment with These Procedures

Microneedling is a quick treatment with little to no downtime that works by encouraging youthfulness from the inside out. Tiny micro-injuries are created in the top layer of skin using an FDA-approved medical device. This makes the body direct blood flow to the area to “heal” the injuries with powerful growth factors and platelets that also stimulate collagen production. You’ll start to see results within a few weeks after your treatment. Many VIDA clients schedule regular microneedling sessions to maintain their great results.

Chemical peels remove the outermost, dead layer of skin to reveal brighter, smoother, more evenly toned skin below the surface. A light chemical peel is a great treatment to help maintain naturally vibrant skin and works well in combination with other skin rejuvenation treatments.

At-home skin care products should always include a high-quality protective sunscreen regimen. At VIDA, we only carry the best, proven skin care products for our clients, including excellent sunscreens from SkinMedica and EltaMD. A quality skin care routine is both preventative and addresses current skin concerns such as dry or oily skin or acne breakouts. We work with you to develop a skin care routine that works for you and your unique needs.

What to Expect During Treatment For Pigmentation

All pigmentation treatments begin with a complimentary consultation to assess your skin, the amount and type of pigmentation, and your goals. Treating brown spots is different than treating red spots, and if you opt for light therapy, then different lasers will be used. Before your appointment, it’s a good idea to start your new skin protection (SPF 30+!) regimen to get in the habit of quality protection.

Whether you choose BBL, chemical peels, microneedling, or any other type of treatment, the appointment begins with a review of the process and what you can expect. Your skin will be cleansed and prepped. Ultherapy and microneedling clients may opt to add a numbing agent for optimal comfort. Next comes your treatment, which will vary depending on which service is being administered.

Protect your investment with sunscreen to maintain your results. We recommend using titanium- or zinc-based SPF30+ on a daily basis, rain or shine. Exposing new skin to the harsh effects of the sun can actually create more sun damage. Always follow the post-care guidelines to safely optimize your treatment results.

Start your journey towards healthier skin by scheduling a complimentary consultation. Call VIDA at (503) 399-0021 to schedule your appointment.

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Get started by booking a complimentary consultation! We’ll together develop a custom treatment plan to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. We’d love to meet you!


About Us

VIDA Aesthetic Medicine is more than a MedSpa. Integrity is at the heart of our clinic, where non-invasive aesthetic treatments have been VIDA’s core from the beginning. Schedule a complimentary consultation today.

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